Successful 2018 Spring Turkey Season

July 4, 2018 by Earl Oesterling
We had a very successful turkey hunting season. Early season featured one of the most insane opening days I have every had guiding or hunt turkeys for myself.
Opening day, resulted in 3 clients tagged out by lunch, and 1 more tagged out by late afternoon, 4 for 5 the first day! 3 Rios, and 1 HUGE Merriam’s all came into our decoy set-ups and were harvested after a great show for all the clients. I knew it was going to be good that morning, but I was beside myself as we set up 60 yards from the roost, and had 30+ toms gobbling like crazy, all in all, we have 60+ turkeys end up putting on a show all around us all morning! This continued for the next 3 weekends, then the weather threw us a curve ball and we were fighting heavy snow in western Nebraska for our last couple clients. This weather change turned the hunts into spot and stalk, decoys and calls became ineffective, and we harvested our last 4 birds in the old game of cat and mouse.
If you have not hunted turkeys out west, you should try it, the birds are easier to find, totally can harvest them by spot and stalk, and the numbers of birds are incredible on both our Colorado and Nebraska leases. We still have a couple spots available for 2019, contact Earl today to reserve your spot!
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