Archery Elk Hunts Colorado - Guided Hunts
Our Archery Elk Hunts take place during the month of September in North Central Colorado. They provide the opportunity to employ various hunting methods, ranging from spot and stalk to calling in screaming bulls, sitting on wallows, stalking on well-used game trails, and sitting over large willow-choked river bottoms. Our Archery Elk Hunts require the client to be in good overall physical condition and extremely mobile on foot.
The archery game is getting as close as you can, similar to our Muzzleloader Elk Hunts. We recommend you to be extremely accurate out to 60 yards with your bow, which means lots of practice before your hunt. We will work to get our clients within 40 yards and like shots of 50 yards or under. We ask our clients to be accurate out to 60 yards to ensure proper shot placement at 20 - 60 yards.
The Colorado Guided Archery Hunts
You will have the opportunity to hunt 55,000 acres of our private strictly managed ranches with many different types of terrain as our private ranches provide thousands of acres of heavy dark lodgepole pine timber, aspen groves, willow-choked creek bottoms, hay fields, and rolling sage hills. Elevations start at 8,800 feet above sea level and stretch up to around 10,000 feet, so while we recommend that you prepare physically for your hunt, you will not be hiking any steep terrain above timberline as most of our archery areas are rolling hills that surround the North Park Valley floor. Our ranches provide everything the elk need during this time of year: food, water, cover, and breeding grounds. We’ve had many mornings where we’ve watched bull after bull pile out of the timber into open creek bottoms to square off at each other and fight tooth and nail for the dominance of the herd.
Colorado Archery Elk Season & Details
Archery Elk
September 2 - September 30
Hunt Code: Either Sex: OTC (Over the Counter) License
Mid-August to Early October is the breeding season for elk, otherwise known as “The Rut.” The most intense part of the rut is late August through late September, hence why we love muzzleloaders so much; the elk are more vulnerable during this time. They are 100% focused on mating and can be extremely vocal by bugling. This provides the client with a unique opportunity to get close to a screaming herd bull, which will make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up and send a rush of adrenaline through your body like you’ve never experienced! If you have not been in the timber with a herd bull screaming at the top of his lungs, you’re in for a treat!
Group sizes range from 4 - 6 hunters, with a 2:1 client/guide ratio. We limit this hunt to 12 spots over a 3-week period. This is a 5-day hunt, which includes meals and lodging.